Werner Implement, LLC
Virnig ADHT36H SSL post hole auger drive
Description: New Virnig ADHT36H High-Torque SSL post hole auger drive unit with planetary gear reduction, 2" hex output shaft. Includes hoses with flat face couplers, bi-directional auger rotation. Requires 15-27 gpm flow rate. Can support up to a 36" diameter bit. Weighs 305 lbs. Auger bits available in 3-foot or 4-foot lengths from 6" diameter up to 36" diameter. This 2" hex model ADHT36H provides 20% more torque than the model AD36H. Special rock bits up to 18" diameter are also available. We have two units in stock. 03/12/2024

Tag #: 69069, S.N.: 249962
Tag #: 69433, S.N.: 264880

Only $4,160

Call 651-437-4435 or 1-800-770-4634
for more details.

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